How to create a vision board

3 min read

Manifesting coach Rachel Jackson explains why a vision board could just what you need to achieve your dreams

Vision boards are one of my favourite manifestation tools and here I am going to share how to make your own powerful board.

Why they work

The most potent tool we have as humans is our imagination – what we can see, we can create. Our soul loves to show us what we truly want through our imagination. Whether it is a new home, car, career or dream business, we can see a version of it in our minds before it becomes a reality. Vision boards take that picture from our imagination and place focus and intention into it. By setting this intention our energy flows towards the desire and the universe conspires to make it a reality. When we have our vision board somewhere we see every day, our subconscious focuses on the intention for us, even as we go on with our busy lives.

What you need

The bonus is you can use anything for a vision board. You can stick pictures on your walls, attach postcards to a hanging frame, but the way I feel holds the most power is with a white canvas with pictures of your desires. You can source your pictures from a magazine, print them off the internet, clip them out of a vision board book, or create your own via an app like Canva.

How to do it

For this activity, you will need a relaxing space to create, a journal or paper, a marker pen, some glue, and a candle.

Clear your energy: Creating a vision board is an intention-setting ritual so clear your space, burn some palo santo, or spray a nice perfume to change the energy of the room. Cleanse your energy, imagine the white light of source pouring down like a shower, cleansing your aura and your chakras and releasing any unwanted fears into the earth.

Connect with your desires: Spend five minutes journaling all the desires you would love to be, do and have. Let everything pour out of you, with no judgement and allow your imagination to run wild. This technique allows your true desires to flow to you, free from limitation. Once you have your list, scan for the ones that light you up instantly. These are your soul desires that you are truly meant to have. This list can be created in advance if you want to source your pictures to match.

For the next five to 10 minutes imagine these desires are already yours. Take note of how you feel, who you are being. Create an 'I am' mantra from your future self. You may see yourself writing successful books, therefore your mantra could be ‘I am an international best-selling author’. The mantra and the feeling will be used for your vision boar