Manifesting rituals to try today

3 min read

Keen to really hone your intentions and get the universe on board? Try these manifesting rituals from expert Trish McKinnley

Whether you want to manifest some extra cash, a new job or home or just some good vibes and positive energy, you can make it happen. Manifesting is like a superpower you already have – all you need to do is tap into it.

To begin manifesting what you want, there are some simple steps. First of all, you need to set your intention. Then you need to visualise that what you want has already manifested. Then it’s about focusing on positive emotions like gratitude, joy and love. And finally, you need to take inspired action. These steps will help manifest your dreams into reality, but you still have free will and control. It’s up to you to open the door and accept the outcome you want. And that is NOT easy when doubts and fears sneak in. Including manifesting rituals in your work helps keep you aligned and focused, and allows you to be that magnificent magnet.

A ritual for love

Hold two rose quartz crystals in your hand. Press your hands to your heart and close your eyes. Visualise yourself surrounded by a glowing pink light of love. Take a cleansing breath. Imagine yourself in a loving relationship. Feel their energy. Sense that you’re with someone who is kind, caring and supportive. Imagine your magic together. Visualise how wonderful they treat you. Feel your smile spread as you realise how incredibly happy the two of you are together. Thank the universe for this loving relationship and all the positive qualities you and your partner share. State aloud: “I accept that I am worthy of love and I now only attract healthy and loving relationships into my life.” When ready, open your eyes and give yourself a hug. Carry your rose quartz crystals to stay connected to this love manifested.

A ritual for money

Find a shiny coin that you intuitively feel connected to. Hold it in your left hand. Close your eyes. Take a cleansing breath and visualise the coin transforming into a ginormous, glowing pot of gold, overflowing with all sorts of coins and bills. Imagine yourself jumping into the pot of gold and swimming around the money. Feel the abundance and joy that comes with knowing you have all the money you need, plus plenty to share. Take a moment to express gratitude for this, and for all the blessings in your life.

Step out of the pot, open your eyes, and say: “I accept I am a money magnet and am receiving all the wealth and blessings that the universe has to offer.” Carry the coin with you. Every time you touch or see it, feel gratitude and remem