Happy birthday cancer!

18 min read


22 June – 22 July

July opens with a bit of a bang and you may find yourself caught in the middle – torn between your loyalty to one person or group on the one side, and your reputation or responsibilities on the other.

This has been building for quite a while, and the good news is that by the 5th, new information or a change of heart calms the situation. Meanwhile, if you can be a mediator, or at least a calming influence, you’ll receive much gratitude.


As well as being charm personified, dear Cancer, you are communicating more effectively now too, as Mercury glides through your sign. His presence ensures your spoken and written words are clear and to the point.

It makes this an excellent time to study or take an exam.

During the last week of the month, Venus in your sign makes a square to Jupiter in Aries and you could be accused of being manipulative. But who cares if it gets the job done? There will be few repercussions, so long as what you are doing has some benefit for everyone. If you have any desire for fame or notoriety, this is also when you can easily insert yourself into the spotlight or grab someone’s attention.

Always remember, not all work is paid work and this would be an excellent time to use your connections and skills to generate some publicity or recognition for ‘good works’ or a charity dear to your heart.

Family & friends

If you