Crystal whisperer

3 min read


Crystals expert Katie-Jane Wright shines a light on the rare and mysterious tektite stones and the gifts they bring us


March is here, the spring equinox is upon us, and new life is rising. We’re at a turning point and it’s time to celebrate. Much as I might wish to talk about crystals to support the energies of the equinox, the stones are pulling me to something else, so I must listen. They want me to talk about tektites.

Tektites are a unique type of natural glass formed during ancient meteorite strikes on Earth (though they are not meteorites themselves). With a high silica content, varying in size, and normally in shades of black, grey and brown, they also include the green shade of tektite called moldavite.

I love their mystery. Not much is understood about how this glass forms, which adds to their charm.

They are galactic in feel and origin, resonating at a very high frequency. They open the higher channels of the mind, enabling you to receive more universal knowledge and consciousness. Be aware that if you are a clairsentient (deep feeling) person, sometimes tektites are so strong they can cause your hand to shake or buzz, depending on the tektite and vibration.

The guidance I get from the spirits of land and place, and the guardians of the planetary unity grid, is that we should be using more tektites, meteorites and metals in our crystal gridding. Metal is needed to anchor high-frequency bandwidths of light into Earth’s currents.

On a more personal level, if you wish to dive into your third eye more and work on opening your clairvoyance, pop a piece of tektite on that chakra.

Golden light

One of my favourites is golden Libyan tektite. The ancient Egyptians called it the ‘stone of the gods’ as it opened up communication with interstellar beings and anchored vast amounts of golden light into the Earth. I have a guy who goes out to the Libyan desert to collect it by hand, as it’s found scattered there, but trips are few and far between now.

Around five years ago, a friend visited and brought some high-vibrational, rare specimens to show me. One of these was a cintamani stone, which has the highest vibration of all known stones, awakening us to our missions, strengths and inner guidance.

My friend told