Happy birthday aries

19 min read


21 March – 20 April

Abirthday is a personal New Year, offering a golden opportunity to start afresh and reinvent yourself. Jupiter in your sign brings confidence, optimism and good fortune to give you a massive kick-start.

However, your vision of your future may not be well-received by those close to you. The views of others can feel frustrating, even stifling, but count to 10 and explain your wishes calmly, during quiet walks and cosy cuppas. You might contemplate a change of image or career. You may want your life to contain more freedom of choice or more stimulation. Most likely you will search for a greater sense of meaning in what you do, which enhances your spirituality.


Your ruler Mars is rather bogged down in watery Cancer this month, keeping you at home more than you might wish, and you may be left to tackle certain tasks alone, even though family members could help. Never mind, often it works best for you to do things your own way, so roll up your sleeves and crack on.

The start of the month, when Mars trines Saturn, is the best time for tackling admin. Progress will be slow but steady, with solid results, so reward yourself with some downtime to mark your achievements.

Family and Friends

It may be hard to relax at home, where things aren’t moving fast enough for you. But now is a good time to redecorate or get those niggly DIY jobs completed, although there could be arguments about details, such as colour schemes or where to put the furniture. The solar eclipse in your sign on the 20th makes you feel you’re not being heard but the most important thing is for you to listen to yourself.

A neighbour has some insightful advice for you around the 12th. Maybe they can see things more clearly, so consider their perspective carefully.


If you have found your soulmate, or are hitched to someone supportive and easy-going, that’s fine, but any shaky relationship will be tested to the brink this month. Never mind. Fresh fields and new pastures await, along with a connection with someone more spiritually attuned.