Teach Yourself Travel Photography Magazine
6 May 2019
We all long for the excitement of travelling the world, exploring new places and soaking up new cultures. Imagine making a living from doing just that while taking incredible imagery to document it forever. A great travel image can capture the tastes, smells and the very essence of a place. It’s the cheapest souvenir around, and when done properly, can keep the memories alive for years to come. Teach Yourself Travel Photography will show you how to turn your holiday snaps into impressive professional standard photos. Discover top tips for sunsets, portraits, wildlife, landscapes and more. Get advice on how to shoot in extreme weather, on safari, and even underwater. Plus, if that wasn’t enough, we’ll tell you how to get the most out of some of the world’s best locations, including London, New York, Delhi, Madagascar, Peru, Shanghai, Morocco and Kenya. This brand new bookazine truly is your indispensable guide to shooting stunning imagery across the globe.
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