An artist invenice

7 min read

Robert Brindley looks at how Venice has captured the imagination of thousands of artists over the years and why his passion for painting it hasn’t dulled in more than 35 annual visits

Sparkling Light, San Giorgio, oil on linen board, 15¾x19¾in (40x50cm). This oil painting was painted in the studio from a photo, on a proprietary, linen-coated board treated with texture paste and white gesso. The inspiration came from the atmospheric, late autumn light after a violent thunder storm. The photograph was used mainly for compositional reference and also, to a lesser extent, as a reminder of the atmosphere and light effects. Although using photographic reference is frowned upon in some circles, it has always been a valuable aid to me in creating my own paintings

Venice has been described as the most beautiful city in the world. Over many centuries it has attracted more painters than probably anywhere else in the world and artists return over and over again in search of inspiration. The city offers the artist a wide choice of subject matter, enhanced by the intensity of the light. The mood and atmosphere varies from season to season: the misty, early mornings of the late autumn and winter are wonderful, while the early spring, with its long sunny days and early morning mists creates spectacular effects. For much of the year the city is alive with tourists and the popular places to visit are uncomfortably busy at peak times. However, if you visit the city for several days and you are prepared to wander away from the busier areas, within a few minutes you will find numerous, quieter areas where you can settle down to paint.

Every part of the city, tourist hot spot or not, is just as beautiful and paintable. Don’t be afraid of getting lost, in fact do the opposite, get off the beaten track and discover the city for yourself. Gouache has become my preferred medium for small, plein-air studies as it is water soluble, extremely opaque, immediate and dries very quickly. I work with a limited palette and only the basic essentials, so everything goes in a very small shoulder bag making it easy for me to set up and paint very quickly.

Tranquil Moorings, Castello, Venice, gouache, 6x8in (15x20cm). This small gouache painting was painted on an Arches block of cold-pressed, pre-stretched paper, primed with one coat of white gesso and completed on site in around two hours. I have painted this subject before in oil, however, I decided to revisit it in gouache. The subject is situated in Castello, one of my favourite and quieter