The CSC Camera Book Magazine
22 June 2019

The compact system camera market has rapidly grown in recent years, with more and more photographers opting for the mirrorless option over the bulkier DSLR. The CSC Camera book is the ultimate guide to mirrorless cameras, whether you are looking to buy your first CSC and need help picking the right one, or just want to know how to take your imagery to the next level, we’ve got it covered. We have rigorously tested over twenty of the best mirrorless cameras on the market from all of the key manufacturers, and have looked at a range of the best lenses. We have interviewed professional photographers to find out why they switched from shooting with a DSLR to a CSC, and have included essential shooting tips and techniques that will help improve your photography today. Discover how to pose subjects for the best possible portraits, shoot landscapes that will stand out, perfect composition every time, and so much more!

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