
4 min read

Creative, Viking-inspired cables look spectacular on this raglan jumper



The pattern moves sideways by working 3tog and making 2 yarnovers on each repeat. Therefore, on the chart, the knit and purl sts are not always worked over each other, as drawn in. Work each rnd/row as shown so the pattern will work out correctly.


Using 3.5mm circular needles, cast on 217 (235:253:271:307) sts. Pm and join to work in the round, being careful not to twist sts.

Rnd 1: Knit. Rnd 2: Purl. Rep last 2 rnds once more.

Work Rnds 1-42 of Chart pattern, working 18-st repeat 11 (12:13:14:16) times around, and knitting last 2 sts of rnd 42 together. 216 (234:252:270:306) sts.

Sizes 1 and 3 only Next rnd: Remove beg of rnd mrk, (K2, P1, K13, P1, K1) twice, K2, P1, K13, pm, P1, K3, P1, pm, K13, P1, K1, (K2, P1, K13, P1, K1) 2 (-:3:-:-) times, pm for side, (K2, P1, K13, P1, K1) 6 (-:7:-:-) times, pm for new beg of rnd.

Sizes 2, 4 and 5 only Next rnd: Remove beg of rnd mrk, (K2, P1, K13, P1, K1) - (2:-:2:3) times, K2, P1, K13, pm, P1, K3, P1, pm, K13, P1, K1, (K2, P1, K13, P1, K1) - (2:-:3:3) times, K2, P1, K6, pm for side, K7, P1, K1, (K2, P1, K13, P1, K1) – (6:-:7:8) times, pm for new beg of rnd.

All sizes You should have 108 (117:126:135:153) sts each for front and back, with the centre 5 front sts between mrks.

Knitting all knit sts, and purling all purl sts, work in the round until body measures 40 (41:42:42:43) cm from cast-on edge. Cast off 4 sts, work until 4 sts before side mrk, cast off 8 sts, work until 4 sts before beg of rnd mrk, cast off 4 sts. Place front and back sts on holders, and set aside.


Using 3.5mm DPNs, cast on 55 (55:55:55:73) sts. Pm and join to work in the round, taking care not to twist sts.

Work 4 rnds in garter st as for Body.

Next rnd: Work Rnd 15 of Chart pattern, working 18-st repeat 2 (2:2:2:3) times around.

You will shape the sleeves as foll, AT THE SAME TIME working Rnds 2-42 of the chart, WITHOUT decreasing at the end of Rnd 42, then continue working (K2, P1, K13, P1, K1) rib as for body, and bringing new sts into patt at the underarm:

Inc 1 st at each end of every 6th (4th: 4th: 4th: 4th) rnd 16 (21:21:25:21) times. 87 (97:97:105:115) sts.

Once all sleeve incs are complete, inc 1 (0:0:1:0) sts on next rnd. 88 (97:97:106:115) sts.

Continue without further shaping until Sleeve meas 47 (48:48:49:49) cm from cast-on edge.

Next rnd: Cast off 4 sts, pat