
4 min read

This Fair Isle bolster cushion, with its fresh floral motifs, is a good way to try steeking for the first time


“THE COLOURS of this bolster cushion were based on the primulas in my garden -
I wanted to capture the vibrancy of spring, with its bright flowers and vivid greens,” says Mary Henderson. “This would be a good project for knitters wanting to try steeking for the first time. There is no shaping, and the wheel ends are similar to knitting a tam top.”



Using 3mm needles and yarn A, and the long-tail method, cast on 120 sts. Next row (WS): Knit. Work rows 1-15 of Chart A, rep 2-st patt across row. Row 17 (RS): Using yarn A, P to end, pm, cast on 7 sts, pm, join to work in the round. 127 sts.

These 7 new sts are the steek stitches, represented by sts 1-7 on Chart B.

Change to 3.25mm needles.
Work Chart B variations as foll, beg with
7-st steek and repeating patt reps on
rem sts:

Work rnds 1-9 of Chart B1.

Work rnds 1-10 of Chart B2.

Work rnds 1-14 of Chart B3.

Work rnds 1-10 of Chart B2.

Work rnds 1-9 of Chart B1.

Work rnds 1-12 of Chart B4.

Work rnds 1-8 of Chart B1.

Work rnds 1-17 of Chart B5.

Work rnds 5-9 of Chart B1.

Work rnds 1-12 of Chart B4.

Work rnds 1-9 of Chart B1.

Work rnds 1-10 of Chart B2.

Work rnds 1-14 of Chart B3.

Work rnds 1-10 of Chart B2.

Work rnds 1-9 of Chart B1, then work rnds

1-3 of Chart B1 once more. Work 2 rnds in yarn A only, casting off 7 steek sts on second rnd.


Change to 3mm needles. Work back and forth in rows, beg with a WS row as foll:

Work rows 2-6 of Chart A, working 2-st rep across row. Next row (buttonhole row) (RS): Work row 7 of Chart A in patt for 19 sts, *cast off 2 sts, patt 18 sts; rep from * another 3 times, cast off 2 sts, patt to end of row. Next row (WS): Work row 8 of Chart A in patt for 19 sts, *cast on 2 sts in patt, patt 18 sts; rep from * another 3 times, cast on 2 sts in patt, patt to end of row. Work rows 9-15 of Chart C as set.

Using yarn A, cast off all sts.


With RS facing, cut open steek, cutting through the central stitch (you may want to reinforce either side of the central steek stitch first with a line of double crochet). Ensure the steek is held away from the back of the cushion cover so that you don’t accidentally cut through the yarn. This will open out the cushion cover so that it is a long rectangle.

Weave in ends and block gently to measurements, following any