The easy guideto meal planning

5 min read

Georgia Grundy sets out the basics to help us start getting well prepared in the kitchen

When life gets hectic, home-cooking can often take a backseat. With the demands of life pulling us in different directions, it’s no surprise we lack time and energy for cooking. While we know home-cooking is the healthy option, let’s be real – convenience is hard to resist right? Whether it’s eating out, getting a take-away or a quick option from the shop, home-cooking feels difficult, let alone deciding what to eat in the first place!

Meal planning has become the go-to solution for those wanting to maintain a healthy lifestyle, save money, and reduce food waste alongside their busy lifestyles. Beyond deciding what to eat, meal planning is a strategic approach to organising your meals, ingredients, and cooking schedules. By investing some time in the short-term to map out your meals for the week, you reap a multitude of rewards in the long term.


Georgia Grundy runs the blog Life Without Meat and is a passionate advocate for sustainable vegan living. Georgia also offers bespoke photography, vegan wedding cakes, and art commissions.


Meal planning lets you gain greater control over your food choices, which improves your overall health and wellbeing. Plenty of research shows taking the time to thoughtfully map-out meals leads to higher intakes of fruits, veggies, and wholesome grains in your diet; while steering you away from processed stuff and tempting, unhealthy snacks. A thoughtful approach sets you up for long-term health goals too, whether you’re aiming to manage your weight, improve your immune system or keep that energy tank topped up for other commitments in life.


Meal prep and meal planning are often confused, but can go hand in hand to help you stay ahead of the game.

If you want to give meal prep a go, start by preparing key elements of your meals at the start of each week. For example, make a batch of quinoa to add to your lunches and dinners, roast off some sweet potato and chop some salad or slaw.

If you dread jobs like chopping onions, do it in one go and store them in the freezer to add to meals as you make them.

Saving money

Don’t forget the benefits that extend beyond the kitchen. Meal planning is a game changer for your wallet too. Getting smart about the way you cook through meal planning means you can make the most of what’s alrea

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