How stressed are you?

3 min read

Take our quiz to see if you’re strung out, then follow the tips to take control of your wellbeing


Stress is an unavoidable part of life – whether you’re juggling family commitments or you’re struggling to make ends meet, we all feel overwhelmed at some point. In fact, 74% of people have felt so stressed that they have felt unable to cope.* And the cost-of-living crisis is only making things worse. But, if you’re not checking in with yourself and finding ways to manage your wellbeing, feeling permanently frazzled can have a big impact on your physical and mental health. It’s time to stop ignoring the signs so you can stamp out that stress. Take our test to find out how…

Take the test

Answer these simple questions

1 How well are you sleeping right now? A I drift off as soon as my head hits the pillow, and don’t stir until the morning.

B Falling asleep isn’t a problem, but I wake up early with a busy mind.

C Occasionally I experience insomnia and use strategies to help me sleep.

D I struggle to drop off, wake in the night and feel exhausted in the morning.

2 At the end of a stressful day, are you able to switch off? A Yes, I can park stress to enjoy my evening.

B It takes me a while to relax, but I know how to unwind.

C With difficulty – I try, but I always have something to worry about.

D No, I find it hard to keep things in perspective when I’m under pressure.

3 How well do you cope with major life events such as moving house? A I stay positive by focusing on my family and our health.

B There are moments of anxiety, but I look after myself to get through it.

C Any big changes trigger a roller coaster of emotions that take a toll.

D I find life challenges extremely stressful and struggle to hold things together.

4 How would you describe your attitude to stress? A I tend to think it’s mostly unhelpful.

B I try to compartmentalise my stressors so they don’t take over my life.

C Catastrophising often gets the better of me.

D Whenever I try to get a grip on my stress, something else pops up and the cycle continues.

5 How do you spend your weekends? A Having fun and forgetting about my worries.

B Moving my body to help me relax, and preparing for the week ahead.

C Feeling stressed about everything I have to get done, but not doing anything to help.

D Running around after everyone so I forget to have any me-time.

How did you score?

Collect your results

Mostly As…

You have a handle on it

You’re resilient and optimistic, and don’t let life’s worries get the better of you.

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