Moves to improve posture

3 min read

Stand taller and look younger with help from our fitness expert Annie Deadman



It’s amazing what a difference good posture can make to our attitude and confidence. If you tuck under your pelvis and pull your shoulders back, you automatically grow a couple of centimetres! How much that radiates strength and energy is fabulous. It’s interesting that how we sit, stand and move can really affect our mood and demeanour – walk tall and stride out and we feel invincible, but if we hunch our shoulders and shuffle, it instantly affects our manner and presence. We feel low, lethargic and older than our years.

That’s not all. Good posture keeps bones and joints in normal alignment, which means there will be less stress on ligaments and tendons and less wear and tear on joint surfaces.

And looking after the spine is key. We have three main natural curves in the spine and if posture degenerates then the impact of that can be felt all over the body. So correct posture means our muscles are at the right length and will work efficiently. Too much sitting can mean weak glutes, tight hip flexors and tight hamstrings. Hunched shoulders mean tight chest muscles. Digestive issues can arise too, as the more bent over we are, the more compressed our organs become.

Here are some everyday moves to help with correction.


Downward facing dog

First up is a downward facing dog. Start on all fours on the floor. Brace the core muscles and slowly lift your knees up. Aim the hips upwards and push the heels down if you can. Breathe there for five seconds, pushing the chest towards the knees, then return gently to the floor.

Repeat five to 10 times. Stretches the hamstrings, calves, back of shoulders and back.

Chest stretch

This one is really simple! As our shoulders fall forward, the chest muscles become shortened. To ease them back to their original length, stand tall, glutes clenched, and clasp your hands behind your back. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and hold for 20-30 seconds.

Repeat twice.

Inner thigh stretch

To increase the range of motion in the hip joint and stretch the inner thigh, progress to this. Place both hands on the inside of the left foot, taking the right leg back so you feel a stretch in the right hip joint and down the quad. Hold for 20-30 seconds and repeat on the other side.

Hip flexor stretch

Next, try this one. Hip flexors insert in the lower back and pelvis so if they’re tight, chances are you’ll get lower b

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