Would you want to work until 71?

4 min read

With retirement age possibly rising again, Woman investigates whether age really is just a number when it comes to work

We spend around a third of our lives working, so is it any wonder that most of us are looking forward to the day we can hang up our coat and cash in on our hard-earned pensions?

This comes earlier for some than for others, but according to experts, the retirement age will soon rise to 71, due to the UK facing falling birth rates and longer life expectancy.

The UK pension age of 66 is set to increase to 67 between May 2026 and March 2028, and from 2044, it is expected to rise to 68. But the research suggests that this is not enough, and that anyone born after April 1970 may have to work until they are 71 before claiming their pension. But while this is all well and good if you enjoy your job and are in good health, for many, retirement can’t come soon enough. Research shows that by the age of 70, only 50% of adults are disability-free and able to work, with health problems often leading them to leave the workforce before they reach retirement age anyway. Many experts argue that keeping your mind and body active can slow the onset of conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s, but with UK life expectancy being around 81, it doesn’t leave very much time to enjoy retirement when it finally comes. We investigate…


Deborah Talbot, 54, lives with her husband and teenage daughter.

NO As someone with significant health problems, particularly since having a bout of COVID-19, I am absolutely horrified by the discussions around raising, yet again, the retirement age. I work hard as a copywriter and researcher – a job I’ve enjoyed for 25 years, but it is already a struggle to keep working to the degree I do at age 54 and I can’t imagine where I’ll be in 10 years’ time with my health the way it is. By the time I’m 65, I’ll be more than ready to slow down, not keep going.

My partner and I have plans to travel, and having that dream is what keeps me going. I’m hoping that the retirement age won’t increase so I will still be able to access my state pension at 67, even though it won’t be enough to live on by then. It’s terrifying how much you need in retirement now thanks to the cost of living, and I know I’m not alone in worrying about my pension and fretting over how much more I can afford to add to the pot.

I’ve worked since I was 16, and while I enjoy my job, I don’t want

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