‘it’s time to celebrate’

3 min read

Kate Garraway opens up about grief, the NHS and why you should never give up


On 3 January, almost four years after he first contracted COVID-19, Derek Draper sadly lost his ongoing health battle when he tragically died aged 56, following complications from a heart attack.

Two months on from his funeral, his widow Kate is back at work and trying her best to get on with her life, despite her heartache and financial problems – it’s been reported she’s considered selling their £4 million home in London.

Kate, 56, who remained very open about the struggles she faced throughout her time caring for Derek, has now spoken about her family’s grief, following the release of her latest documentary, Derek’s Story, which was filmed during the last year of her husband’s life.

Staying positive

While there’s no doubt Kate and the two children she shared with Derek, Darcey, 18, and Billy, 14, are going through an awful time, Kate says the public’s support has kept her going. ‘It’s been wonderful and very moving,’ she explained. ‘I think it’s because people are fundamentally very kind, but I also think some of the incredible reaction is because people are seeing the challenges of their lives reflected in our family’s story.’

Speaking of the heartache they are all coming to terms with, Kate confessed, ‘Dealing with our grief as a family has been so hard, and we have a long way to go, of course.’ But always looking on the bright side, the GMB star added, ‘We are also so grateful to have had the chance to care for Derek and have the extra four years with him that so many don’t. I now want to highlight the people within the care system and the NHS, who are trying to improve how people like myself and Derek can be better supported. I feel a huge responsibility, and rightly so, to speak up for those who don’t feel they have a voice.’

Kate made two documentaries, Finding Derek in 2021 and Caring for Derek in 2022, during her husband’s health battle. But in spite of their success, she admits she wasn’t sure about releasing the latest one.

Giving Derek a voice

The star explained, ‘Obviously when we started making this [new] documentary early last year, we had no idea the events that would unfold that ultimately took Derek from us.’ She added, ‘After he had passed, I wondered if it was right that it should ever come to air. But I didn’t want to let those who have given us so much support over the last four ye

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