Lose an inch in 24 hours

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Waistband too tight? Beat the bloat and trim your tum by tomorrow with these top tips


Constipation is a common cause of bloating, but eating fibre helps. A healthy amount is 30g a day, so increase your intake if necessary. Choose wholegrain breakfast cereals and bread, wholewheat pasta and couscous, bulgar wheat and brown rice. Ancient grains, such as quinoa, amaranth, barley and buckwheat are also high in fibre.

Fill your water bottle

Staying well hydrated throughout the day stops fluid retention. If you deprive your body of fluids it goes into ‘famine’ mode and holds on to what water you’ve got – causing bloating, explains nutritionist Rhiannon Lambert. ‘Aim for six to eight glasses today.’


Scoffing on the go is bad news for bloating. Scientists found it can take at least 20 minutes for your brain to catch up with your stomach and give ‘full-up’ signals – eating too fast increases the likelihood of overeating and a swollen tum. ‘If you are in a rush, keep portions small as big meals strain the digestive system,’ says nutritionist Dr Sam Christie.

Chill out

Feeling frazzled? ‘Stress contributes to increased cortisol levels, which reduces blood and oxygen flow to the gut,’ says nutritionist Jenna Hope.

‘Practise breath work or calming activities, such as meditation, ahead of eating to improve your digestion.’ YouTube has free sessions.

Skip the fizzy pop

It could be causing your rounded tum. ‘Sucralose and aspartame, found in fizzy drinks and diet foods, can’t be effectively broken down by the body,’ says nutritionist Kim Pearson. ‘Coupled with the gas found in carbonated drinks, it’s easy to see why your stomach swells.’

Bloat-beating swaps

Some fruits and vegetables can cause your tummy to expand after eating. To avoid a protruding stomach, make these better choices:

✱ SWAP broccoli for courgettes

✱ SWAP peaches for melon

✱ SWAP cabbage for spinach

✱ SWAP leeks for potatoes

Try a mint tea

This traditional remedy aids your tum. ‘It relaxes stomach muscles to reduce gastrointestinal symptoms,’ says Jenna.

Take peppermint capsules or sip tea after a meal. Try Clipper Organic Peppermint Infusion (£2.69 for 20 bags, shop.clipper-teas.com).


Release gas and deflate fast with these moves…


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