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ARIES 21 Mar – 20 Apr

Only you can decide whether a risk, particularly with money or your reputation, is worthwhile. Do please consider if the potential gains outweigh the losses. It’s a tough one.


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TAURUS 21 Apr – 21 May

By the end of the week something will have irrevocably changed, even if it’s simply your opinion on a matter. For some Taureans, life may never be the same again.

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GEMINI 22 May – 22 Jun

It’s good to have plans and it’s even better to have back-up plans! This is a rollercoaster ride, whether you’re dealing with heaven-sent news or clearing up some spilt milk.

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CANCER 23 Jun – 23 Jul

Not everyone will be singing from the same hymn sheet, and no one told the cosmic joker to stay home! Improvise. Adapt. Most of all, keep your sense of humour.

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LEO 24 Jul – 23 Aug

When you put Uranus and Jupiter in the same room, the sparks will fly. The question is whether they will light up your life or send something up in smoke.

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VIRGO 24 Aug – 23 Sep

Sometimes expectations are fulfilled, other times even exceeded, but occasionally they don’t measure up at all. To have the best of times, you need to bin your expectations.

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LIBRA 24 Sep – 23 Oct

People won’t be in the mood for compromise this week, so don’t waste your time. If you know what’s right and what will work, just do what you have to do. Be the boss.

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SCORPIO 24 Oct – 22 Nov

Three things happen on Uranus’ watch: break-ups, breakthroughs and breakdowns. Focus on breakthroughs, but also be prepared just in case things don’t go quite as you’d hoped.

For your reading09058 172564

SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov – 21 Dec

These influences are like fireworks. Amazing to watch but too hot to handle. Be ready to enjoy the events of the week, but if you think things could go aw

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