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ARIES 21 Mar – 20 Apr

Why the doubts, Aries? Nerves before taking a big step are understandable, but getting cold feet for good reason, that’s something else. It is not too late to pull out. For your reading09058 172557

TAURUS 21 Apr – 21 May

Clarity is beginning to be regained. The question is, do you actually like what you see? Early June brings revelations and realisations. What you see now is the reality. For your reading09058 172558

GEMINI 22 May – 22 Jun

It’s decision time, Gemini. The power is in your hands, even if it seems you are relying on outside sources. When you know what to do, the rest is easy-peasy. For your reading09058 172559

CANCER 23 Jun – 23 Jul

It’s all very confusing, but it will eventually make sense. In this atmosphere people reach breaking point and accordingly take action. Watch and wait from the wings. For your reading09058 172560

LEO 24 Jul – 23 Aug

If you’re going to do something that’s probably going to rock the boat, do it full out. No half measures. No ifs ands and buts. Leos are leaders and survivors. For your reading09058 172561

VIRGO 24 Aug – 23 Sep

A New Moon augurs a new start. Whether you know you’re opening a new chapter or events conspire to bring one about, it’s all to the good. Don your sparkles. For your reading09058 172562

LIBRA 24 Sep – 23 Oct

You’re on your way, but with some surprises to come. So travel light, leave your baggage behind. And yes, that’s a metaphor for a whole other aspect of your existence. For your reading09058 172563

SCORPIO 24 Oct – 22 Nov

Avoid biting off more than you can chew. What you’re looking at now represents the tip of the iceberg. Considering this, take baby steps and keep your opinions to yourself. For your reading09058 172564

SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov – 21 Dec

People won’t be easily won over and you’ll do much better by revealing your serious side. This is a week when old karma is returning and new karma being created. For your reading09058 1

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