View from the back

2 min read

Isabel Webster says what you’re thinking


Eight Brits were arrested

In my experience, there are few more beautiful European destinations than the Balearic Islands. Famous for their luscious mountains, rocky cliffs and beautiful white sand beaches, millions of Britons have visited the islands for decades – including me. And yes, Magaluf in Majorca and San Antonio in Ibiza have long attracted alcohol-fuelled Brits looking for a good time. But, things have been turning especially ugly lately. Take the scenes in Balneario Illetas beach club near to Magaluf. I can’t have been the only one mortified to see pictures of what appeared to be a mass beach brawl. It has been reported that a British groom and his stags allegedly threw drunken punches at one another, restaurant staff, security guards and possibly even other holidaymakers on the beach. At points, it was claimed the fighting spilled into the sea, leaving three people with nasty injuries and eight Brits arrested.

The groom apparently spent the night in a police cell and had to pay £850 bail to be released in time for his wedding. Authorities must surely have had enough of this sort of loutish behaviour. Although no formal charges have yet been brought, the group could possibly face a criminal trial.

Is it any wonder that islanders are starting to turn against the disruptive ‘Brits abroad’. A recent protest saw 15,000 people take to the streets of Palma. As they marched, many waved placards imploring the ‘tourists go home’.

The government has also toughened laws around drinking on public roads and has stopped shops from selling alcohol at night. Even party boats now face tighter controls. Good. I think it’s time for those found guilty of crimes abroad, in democratic countries, to have their passports revoked.

British citizens are representing our nation when they travel – if they can’t be trusted then they must stay home. Time to clamp down on the lager louts making us all look bad!


Watch out for killer hornets

Asian hornets have survived UK winter for the first time as it appears the killer species are making it their hom