Beat menopausal weight gain

3 min read

Outsmart your hormones with these simple but effective fat-fighting tips


Feel like you’re always dieting? Scales refusing to budge? There’s not just hot flushes, night sweats and mood swings to contend with during the menopause – it can be harder to manage your weight, too. Why? ‘When oestrogen drops during the menopause, fat distribution shifts to the upper body, particularly the abdominal area,’ says dietician Lacey Dunn, author of The Women’s Guide to Hormonal Harmony (£22.15, Uplift Nutrition). But, don’t worry, there are plenty of ways to help. Our experts reveal how…

1 Work out less

When you exercise, don’t push yourself too hard. ‘Over-exercising puts too much stress on the body,’ says women’s health and menopause expert Claire Snowdon-Darling. ‘You then produce too much cortisol, which can lead to insulin resistance and blood sugar imbalance. This inhibits weight loss and makes you store more fat, especially around the middle.’

FIX IT: Exercise at a low-to-moderate intensity three to four times a week – this includes brisk walking, swimming and cycling. Add some resistance training, too. Not only will this increase metabolism, but it will help to build muscle and contribute to bone density. Not sure where to start? YouTube has a variety of resistance workouts for beginners.

2 Conquer stress

It’s not just strenuous exercise that puts too much stress on the body – those menopausal mood swings can, too. And if you find yourself reaching for the biscuits to manage your feelings, this can spell trouble for your midriff.

FIX IT: Practice box breathing. This helps reduce your heart rate, so your body and mind will relax. It can help to picture a box in your mind’s eye as you try this technique:

✣ Inhale through the nose for a count of four.

✣ Hold the breath for a count of four.

✣ Exhale through the nose for a count of four.

✣ Hold the breath for a count of four.

✣ Repeat four rounds.

3 Prioritise sleep

‘This is essential for weight management, as the liver does most of its detoxing when you are asleep,’ says Claire. ‘Also, lack of sleep lowers leptin (satiety hormone) and raises levels of ghrelin (hunger hormone), so you’re more likely to overeat the next day.’

FIX IT: Create a bedtime routine. Aim to go to bed and get up at the same time each day. And prepare your environment. Make sure your bedroom is quiet, dark and slightly cooler than the rest of your home – ideally at 16-18C – and avoid watching TV or scrolling on your phone

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