Ask the doctor

2 min read

Doctor Dawn Harper answers all your questions



Q My family and I have just returned from a walking break in Scotland and this morning I noticed a tick on my lower leg. I’ve looked online and there’s lots of conflicting advice as to how to safely remove it. I have a friend who is suffering badly with Lyme disease, so I’m desperate to do this correctly. What is your advice? A Clean the skin around the tick with an alcohol rub or soap and water and then use pointed tweezers. Squeeze the head of the tick with the tweezers as close to the skin as possible and gently pull upwards. Don’t be tempted to twist the tweezers. Once removed, clean the area again.

Could a delay put me at risk? Q Several months ago, I was invited for routine cervical screening, but because I’ve been in Australia, there was a long delay before the smear was taken. I’ve just received the results, which say my sample was inadequate and that I need to rebook in three months. Is it safe to wait that long? AYes. The cervical screening test doesn’t look for cancer, it looks for the presence of human papillomavirus (HPV). If the sample tests positive for HPV, the lab will then look for abnormal cells that could become cancerous if left untreated for a long period of time. It is routine practice to wait for three months before repeating an inadequate smear test, to help ensure the sample is clearer the next time.


Q My husband and I are planning a special holiday to celebrate my 50th birthday. My period will be due right in the middle of our time away, and I had planned to run two packs of my contraceptive pill back to back to avoid this. However, when I put in a repeat prescription

request, it w

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