Would you still wear your rings after a divorce?

1 min read

Model Emily Ratajkowski has had hers turned into ‘divorce rings’ after her split. We ask…


YES‘I felt lost without it’

Judy Broadbent, 66, is a writer living in Yorkshire.

My wedding ring was a permanent fixture on my hand for 24 years. I only ever removed it during childbirth and even then, it was hung on a chain around my neck.

When my husband and I eventually separated, the divorce was pretty acrimonious, but we remained friends for the sake of our four children. Somehow, I couldn’t bear to take my gold band off; it was symbolic and I knew I wouldn’t feel good without it.

At 49, I didn’t want another man in my life, and I had always admired and loved the feel of it on my finger. I kept feeling for the ring with my thumb, a habit I had developed over the years and I gained comfort from knowing it was there. A friend asked me why I still wore it
- I simply said that I felt lost without it. It was true.

Eventually though, I did meet someone and it seemed wrong to wear a ring that another man had placed on my finger. I chose to no longer wear it and eventually sold it, but I don’t regret wearing it for so long after my divorce.

Keeping a wedding ring after a break-up is a personal choice; if you want to keep yours, then do. For me, it held a lot of sentiment and saw me through many happy moments that outweighed the bad times.


‘They were a constant reminder’


Lisa Arterton, 41, is a therapist from Cheshire.

Hearing that Emily Ratajkowski ha

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