Woman's Weekly Knitting & Crochet Magazine
6 December 2018
We’ve known for some time how much you’ve enjoyed the Knitting & Crochet Special magazines we’ve published four times a year, and that those, together with the Bookazine (that’s the one halfway between a magazine and a book), simply weren’t enough for many of you! So it prompted us into thinking how fantastic it would be to have a more regular publication; a monthly magazine that all Woman’s Weekly knitting and crocheting readers could be part of and call their own. A magazine that will offer an even greater opportunity to feature more lovely designs, with patterns that are triple checked so they work for you every time. So guess what, we’ve done it! A brand-new knitting and crochet magazine, which will be available every month, with the first issue on sale 31st December. Each one will be packed with a fantastic selection of patterns we know you’ll want to make, together with a stitch library you’ll want to collect, and workshops for both novice knitters and those wanting to learn more about crochet. And if that wasn’t enough, we’ve beginners’ projects in techniques, book reviews, and a chance to share your knitting and crochet dilemmas with Woman’s Weekly Knitting Technical Editor Tina Egleton, and much, much more. So, as this year draws to an end and we look forward to 2014, we hope you’ll enjoy our new magazine and really make it your own by sharing your makes that you create. And now you can make sure you never miss a single issue. Why not take out an annual subscription and have each one delivered to your door.
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