Long covid fightback plan

3 min read


One in 20 of us still have symptoms a year after infection – here’s what can help


Woman’s Weekly health report


Constantly exhausted or struggling with memory and concentration? ‘Mental fatigue can be a particularly frightening symptom, says Emma Tucker, post-COVID rehabilitation coordinator for Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust. ‘But remember, it’s not permanent.’


Limit ‘thinking’ It’s easy to forget tasks that require brain power (checking emails, reading, making decisions) use energy too. Allot a set amount of time for these activities.

Reduce screen time Even if it’s for pleasure, being glued to TVs or phones can sap energy, as blue light can negatively affect your body clock.

Rest up The NHS recommends having short rests throughout the day, every day, even when you’re improving. ‘This avoids “boom and bust”, where you overdo it on good days, but then are overwhelmed with fatigue the next,’ says GP Dr Philippa Kaye.

Adapt ‘Prioritise jobs and adapt them so they use less energy – for example, sit down to chop veg,’ adds Dr Kaye.

TOP UP Creatine supplements could reduce the severity of fatigue for those with long COVID, found a 2023 study. Try Creatine Monohydrate tablets, £9.95 for 60, teamwarrior.com


An anti-inflammatory diet can help symptoms, says nutritionist Carrie Ruxton. ‘That means plenty of fruit and vegetables, oily fish (tuna, mackerel and sardines), and wholegrains, including wholemeal or granary bread, brown rice and rolled oats. Plus, keep red meat and processed foods to a minimum.’


Eat little and often Grazing can help keep calorie and nutrient intake up if the virus has affected your appetite through a loss of taste/smell, or fatigue has made making meals difficult.

Consider all options ‘Only 30% of us eat five-a-day,’ says nutritionist Rob Hobson, despite the fact that it’s the minimum requirement for good health. Tinned and frozen fruit and veg can be nutritious options if getting out frequently is tricky.

Opt for vitamin C It’s crucial for fighting long COVID. A daily 125ml glass of orange juice with your breakfast is an ideal start to the day.


A virus can have a huge impact on your whole body. Breathlessness, pins and needles, muscle aches, joint pain and dizziness have been widely reported symptoms.

LOOK AFTER LUNGS Avoiding areas with high pollution could help breathlessness. Check the Daily Air Quality Index at uk-air.defra.gov.uk


Go easy A walk outside is beneficial for overall health, but never push yourself. If you feel ready, the NHS recommends low-intensity exercise, such as 20 minute

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