Kirsty gallagher

2 min read


The astrologer balances esoteric rituals and spiritual practices with morning workouts and Indian cooking

STATS AGE: 44 JOB: Astrologer and founder of Lunar Living FITNESS MO: 45-min weight workouts WIND-DOWN SECRET: Yellowstone box sets


I used to work in a gym and I love that environment, but there’s something about throwing on some shorts and a T-shirt and getting a workout done at home. I have the Courtney Black app and I try to do a 45-minute workout in the morning so it’s not hanging over me for the rest of the day. If I can’t find 45 minutes a day for myself, there’s a problem.


Sometimes it’s as if we forget we’ve got a body from the neck down. But when you can find ways to be in your body – whether that’s feeling strong after a workout or just getting to the end of the next rep – there’s no better feeling. As women, I also think we need an outlet for anger; somewhere to channel all that raw energy.


I’ve spent a lot of time in India and I adore Indian food, both cooking it and eating it. Most of the time, I lived with families and the mother would always teach me how to cook. I can make paneer from scratch, but it’s my go-to takeaway order, too, with veggies and a garlic naan. I also love coffee – it’s my sole vice. I only have one or two a day, so I make sure it’s a nice one.


For me, wellness means being at home in myself and feeling connected to myself. A non-negotiable for me is being present in the day. Every morning, I have a five-minute check-in with myself. I might be sad, heartbroken, ecstatic – whatever it is, I’ll sit with myself for a minute and just hold myself as I move into the day.


Stress isn’t always a bad thing – Ithrive on having a small amount of it. I like deadlines. So, if you give me six weeks to get something done, I’m going to wait until two days

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