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Want the latest health intel? We’ve combed the science journals so you don’t have to


The number of kilograms an adult’s immune system weighs, according to Israeli research*. Analysis of tissue samples showed between 1.5tn and 1.8tn cells in the body combined to make up the hefty total. White blood cells made up 40% of all immune cells and 15% of your immune system’s total mass. Worth its weight in gold, we say.


Your latest antiwrinkle solution may not be found in a dermatology clinic, but at the gym. A Japanese study* of 60 women compared the effects of aerobic exercise with strength training on skin health. Only those using weights thickened their dermal layer, which can result in less sagging and a more youthful look. Over six weeks, participants did five reps at 50% of a one-rep max on six machines, such as the leg curl and shoulder press, followed by three sets of 10 reps at 50% to 80%.


Reason number 107 to get your flu jab booked. A new study* has found that ‘long colds’ may exist, following respiratory infections such as the flu, colds and pneumonia. Data from over 10,000 Brits showed that, an average of 11 weeks after infection, the most common symptoms were coughing and diarrhoea.


Your orange juice – with its naturally occurring sugar – will never be a ‘health food’. But if you fancy slurping something sweet, US research* indicates you’re better off choosing a fruit juice or flavoured milk over a cola. Beyond the sugar, they’ll provide valuable nutrients, from vitamin C (in your OJ) to protein in your chocolate milk.


If you have an upset stomach, turmeric may be the unlikely hero. A study published in BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine found that curcumin, a compound found in the spice, may be just as good for treating indigestion as some medication. Antiinflammatory and antimicrobial, curcumin coats the stomach lining to treat excess acid.


Research published in the Journal Of Social And Personal Relationships linked staying mindful in your romantic relationship with fewer conflicts between you and your partner. Just paying attention without judgment and being fu

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