Injury clinicblisters

3 min read

Don't let all that good training go to pot on race day – due to a measly blister. How to banish the critters of the running world…

Just like with other body areas that chafe over long distances, foot friction can be lessened with cream

Blisters occur due to three main factors: friction, heat and moisture. When friction happens between the top layers of skin, they split and this friction can come from various sources; shoe and sock, shoe and foot, or an external factor like a fold or something in your shoe. The split in the skin layer then fills with fluid to protect the other layers, and this causes a bubble – otherwise known as a blister.

Now we know how a blister is caused, but how exactly is friction increased in a shoe? And how can you manage the heat of your feet especially on a warm day?

• The wrong socks. Wearing cotton socks is the easiest way to develop a blister when running. Cotton socks don’t wick away moisture as you sweat – in fact, cotton absorbs up to 27 times its weight in water. Once you start sweating, the material stores the moisture, and this then increases the friction between your skin and the sock in the shoe – all of which can spell disaster.

One option to consider is double-layer running socks, but it’s worth bearing in mind that some people can still suffer blisters with these. They have two layers; one sits next to the skin on your feet and the other allows friction between the fabric and the shoe. All well and good, but because they’re thick, dual-layer socks can increase the temperature of your feet and cause blisters that way.

It’s worth trying both double- and single-layer running socks to find out which work best for you. Hilly, Balega, Injinji, Monkey Sox, Darn Tough and Runderwear are all good.

• The wrong shoes. Unsurprisingly, a leading cause of blisters is badly fitting shoes. There is a huge amount of choice when it comes to running shoes, and it’s worth being properly fitted when you choose your next pair. Not only are running shoes a big financial investment, if those shoes don’t support your feet correctly, or if they’re the wrong size, you could end up with blisters (alongside any number of other niggly issues).

Head to a running store, book a gait analysis, and try multiple brands to make sure you have the most comfortable and best functioning shoes for your running gait.

• Collagen. If you’re a fan of collagen supplements, it’s worth paying attention to this bit. Collagen improves the elas

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