The benefits of seaweed

1 min read

your health

Discover the superpowers of this nutrient-rich plant

Can eating seaweed be good for your health?

We’re always hearing about the latest superfoods that claim to be bursting with nutrients to cure a selection of ills. But the medicinal use of seaweed dates back to ancient Roman times when it was used as a treatment for wounds, while its use as a nutritional powerhouse goes back even further in Asian cultures.

Seaweed is popular in wellness circles as it’s high in minerals and vitamins. Dr Naomi Newman-Beinart, health expert and nutritionist, shares the health benefits of this iodine-rich superfood and how you can incorporate it into your diet.

It can boost your brain power

Help for your thyroid

Seaweed, a rich source of iodine, is a thyroid superhero. Supporting the thyroid gland’s optimal function, it helps regulate metabolism and maintain hormonal balance. Bid farewell to sluggishness and welcome an energy increase.

A clear complexion

One more reason you might want to add seaweed to your daily diet is that seaweed contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are well‐known to help protect the skin from damage and fight signs of ageing.

Brain power boost

Did you know that being iodine deficient can influence how intelligent you are? Researchers have found that the more deficient in iodine a person was, the lower their IQ.

Less dry, flaky skin

Thyroid hormones, which contain iodine, help your skin cel

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