Adam henson

2 min read

Farmers in saunas – a radical new route to better mental health


There are many ways to boost your mood and banish the blues: a blast of cold air, a cup of fresh coffee and an early morning run in the country or along the coast are all recommended, not to mention a good old-fashioned natter with a best buddy. But even I was surprised to hear about the innovative way one East Lothian farmer is tackling the problem of poor mental health.

Stuart McNicol and his wife Jo are arable farmers in North Berwick with 174 hectares of barley, wheat and beans and a newly planted fruit orchard. But what makes Stuart unique is his invitation to fellow farmers and crofters to join him in the sauna.

That’s right – Stuart thinks the best way to confront the woes and worries of farming life is to strip off and sweat your troubles away. And it seems to be working.

After buying a home sauna last year and reading about the health benefits of wild swimming, he decided that a new communal event might be worth a try. Despite a few raised eyebrows, he piloted a couple of sauna sessions in conjunction with the wellbeing programme Farmstrong Scotland, welcoming up to a dozen local farmers at a time.

“When you’re in a sauna, you’re all equal,” says Stuart. “All barriers are left at the door and you can either have a chat with the person next to you or you can look out of the window at the sea beyond.”

Relaxing mind, body and soul is the key. And it turns out all that hot steam can be quite an icebreaker. Among the problems discussed at those first gettogethers were worries about bad weather, fears of a poor harvest and how to deal with bereavement and wills.

I’m really impressed by Stuart and his determination to do something positive for the farming community. I’m only too aware how hard life can be for farmers who are struggling; I was shocked and devastated when I lost one of my friends to suicide. That experience eventually led to the launch of my wellbeing podcast, Keeping On Track. Anecdotal evidence from The Samaritans suggests that the first series in 2023 helped save two lives and I didn’t hesitate for a m

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