8 ways to work out...

2 min read

...whatever your age, ability and budget!

1 Get ‘appy Consider these free motivators to keep you active.


● Learn to run. The NHS Couch to 5K app is perfect for absolute beginners and will have you running a 5k in around nine weeks. Find at the App Store, Google Play or nhs.uk.

● Turn your walk into a workout. The NHS Active 10 walking tracker encourages short but brisk walking that will help you get fit faster. Find at the App Store, Google Play or nhs.uk.

2 Wall Pilates

This involves stabilising, strengthening and stretching using just your own body and a wall. ‘The wall helps you balance and align yourself, while also ensuring correct posture and form,’ says fitness trainer Jane Wake. ‘Doing exercises against the wall means less gravitational pull, making the moves feel easier. It’s also a good option for those with limited mobility.’ Jane has a stepby-step 28-day wall Pilates challenge you can follow on YouTube.

Visit youtube.com/@ janewake2048.

3 Wild swimming

New research suggests that cold-water swimming – whether in the sea, a lake or a lido – could have a positive effect on anxiety and depression. With its growing popularity, it’s clearly making a lot of women feel fantastic. Visit a lido or join one of The Outdoor Swimming Society’s swims (outdoorswimmingsociety.com – which also offers must-know safety advice).

4 Padel tennis

This tennis-squash hybrid is all the rage right now. Padel is played on specialised courts and you hit the ball using a padel bat (which looks a bit like it’s come from a Swingball set) and slightly decompressed tennis balls. Because the balls bounce back into play off the wall and you serve underarm, it’s easier than tennis. Find a court at lta.org. uk/play/ways-to-play/ padel.

5 Electric bike

We know what you’re thinking: surely a battery-powered e-bike misses the point of getting fit? However, recent research suggests that hybrid bikes (a regular bike with a battery-powered boost when you need it, such as for hills) can help you get more exercise. E-bikes are an investment buy, but thankfully, many bike hire centres now offer them. Pay-as-yougo dockless e-bikes are also availa

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