The richest link?

1 min read

Former host of The Weakest Link, Anne Robinson has gone on to great success. She has now opened up about her £50 million fortune that she’s giving away…

It’s not quite rags to riches, but Anne Robinson’s life has been something of a roller coaster.

From relatively humble beginnings – earning pocket money on her mother’s chicken farm – she went on to become a journalist and then a TV host dubbed ‘The Queen of Mean’ – amassing an enormous fortune. But there have been bumps along the way, including a battle with alcoholism that led to a custody battle for her daughter.

In her book Memoirs Of An Unfit Mother, she recalled: ‘At the age of two Emma was taken off me by the courts, and I was deemed an unfit mother.’

Despite this, Anne and Emma, 53, are now close. Anne

says: ‘My daughter is the most important person in my life and we love spending time together.’

Her professional life has certainly been lucrative – a series of well-paid TV contracts and shrewd investments have led to her financial jackpot.

In an interview with Saga Magazine, Anne, 79, said she had ‘no idea’ how much she was worth, but ‘did not want for much’. She’s thought to have amassed a fortune of £50 million – including homes in New York, the Hamptons and Gloucestershire.

However, the star revealed she has ‘given it all away’ so that when she dies the tax man doesn’t get his hands on it! The star, who has two grandchildren, said she’d rather her relatives ‘enjoy it now’.

‘I don’t want the taxman to have i

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