Jason dono-fan!

5 min read

Unconditional True-Life

I’ve had the same wish since I was just seven years old, dedicating my life to an Aussie, blue-eyed boy…

Emma Charlesworth, 43, from Sittingbourne, Kent

Watching on as the Aussie boy-next-door flooded my TV screen, I was besotted by his blond hair and blue eyes. I’m going to marry that man one day, I muttered.

And even though I may have only been seven, it was a promise I had vowed to myself.

Jason Donovan was going to be mine one day.

Watching Neighbours religiously every single night while I had my dinner, I never missed an episode.

On screen, Jason played Kylie Minogue’s hubby – and I loved them both.

Something that continued into my teens, too.

Even though my sister Amy, now 38, gravitated towards Boyzone, I wasn’t going to leave Jason behind that easily.

Especially when he launched his music career as well.

Going to see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, where Jason played Joseph, I was completely beside myself.

I even dressed up in merch.

At 17, me and my bestie from secondary school, Charlotte, watched The Rocky Horror Show together, too.

I wasn’t going to leave Jason

We were lucky enough to meet Jason at the stage door.

They say never to meet your favourite celebrities, but Jason was everything that I had imagined.

Only, not long after that special moment, I met someone else who halted my dreams of marrying my childhood crush.

Charlie – he was so full of life and one of the good guys.

Tying the knot when I turned 24, I’d managed to keep my Jason obsession under wraps.

Surprisingly, it wasn’t until a year after we got married that Charlie understood my dedication – before that, he was unaware.

‘We’ll record the episodes so that we can watch them when we’re back from New York,’ I insisted to him.

Colin was full of life
Images: SWNS

Jason was starring on I’m a Celeb and I didn’t want to miss anything.

Over the years, as life went on for everyone, Jason’s career picked up again.

Which meant that I tried my best to meet him at every opportunity.

From hanging around at stage doors to getting a selfie at an event I attended with work.

My thumb was shaking so much that I couldn’t even take the picture for myself, Jason had to do it.

That poor man, Charlie text when I sent him the snap.

However, despite all of Charlie’s joking around, his life revolved around Jason, too.

Especially when I shared my passion with our daughter Rebekah, now 14.

Taking her to watch Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat in 2019, just like I did as a child, we had an amazing time.

Especially for you...

It seemed that no matter where life took us, Jason was there to lift my moo

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