
2 min read

The advice you need

Disclaimer: Medical advice is for guidance only and does not substitute seeing a doctor. If you have concerns, a face-to-face appointment with a doctor is recommended.

Weight loss woes

Q Over the past few months I’ve lost almost 2st with no lifestyle changes. Is this something to be worried about?

A Unintentional weight loss can result from both mental and physical health problems.

For some people, weight changes can occur during times of mental distress.

When we are under pressure or feeling stressed, some of us over or under-eat as a by-product of our emotional state. Of course, this then has a knock-on effect on our weight.

However, if you’ve not had any changes to your mental wellbeing and have not changed your diet or lifestyle at all, then your weight loss may be due to a physical health condition.

For this, I’d recommend that you visit your general practice provider.

They will be able to take a look at your medical history and run some tests to explore the reasons for your weight loss.

Sudden changes

Shaky symptoms

Q My elderly dad has started shaking randomly while trying to do everyday tasks. It’s something I’ve never seen him do before. What could this be?

A Tremors, of which there are numerous types, can be down to several things, some of which are a natural sign of ageing and others require further investigation and support.

Some tremors can be secondary to his current life challenges and may be caused by his mental well-being, blood sugar regulation, use of caffeine, alcohol, or nicotine. He may also be nutritionally deficient in certain B vitamins, too.

As we age, it is common to be on several medications which can cause tremors.

Certain health conditions can also cause tremors, such as Parkinson’s, Huntington’s and certain brain conditions.

I’d suggest having a discussion with your dad to explore this further with his GP.

Diagnosis dilemma

Q I’ve recently been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and I’m worried about controlling my blood sugar levels this summer. Do you have any advice about how I can manage them in the heat?

A It’s great to see that you are being proactive and are undertaking some pre-planning.

On a day-to-day basis, monitoring your carbohydrate and insulin when required will help maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

However, the heat can cause ou

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