Leader of the pack?

1 min read


Is your pooch a genius or dunce? The answer’s in their toy box…

Toys R Woof

Does your pooch know his squeaky bone from his smelly slipper?

Then you may just be on to a winner!

Especially if it took him just 30 minutes to learn which one is which.

Scientists at ELTE University in Budapest say if your dog only needs half an hour to learn a new toy name, then he’s probably gifted.



Does your dog head off to find certain toys when you ask him to?

Name that ball and he goes in search of it like he’s on a mission to uncover buried treasure?

If your pup knows at least 15 toy names then you could have the Albert Einstein of the dog world, living, breathing, and probably farting, in your home. Genius!


If you’re really one of the lucky ones, and Buddy or Bella’s intelligence is off the canine charts, then he or she should be able to learn more than 50 toy names over a two-year period.

‘The rare ability to learn object names is the first documented case of talent in a non-human species,’ said Prof Ádám Miklósi, coauthor of a study on gifted dogs.

AI: Animal Intelligence

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