Taking care ‘down there’

1 min read


These tips will help you keep your vagina happy and healthy

1 Ease dryness

Being dehydrated can make dryness worse. Avoid drinking too many caffeinated drinks and alcohol.

‘Vaginal lubricants and specially designed moisturisers will offer a temporary solution for vulval and vaginal dryness, while oestrogen replacement or laser treatment may be more effective long-term,’ says gynaecologist Tania Adib.

2 Practise safe sex

Despite a YouGov poll reporting that women over 50 think their risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection (STI) is ‘next to nothing’, you’re at risk at any age.

Before you embark on a new sexual relationship, go for a full STI screening and recommend that your partner does too. Visit nhs.uk/live-well/sexual-health for more information.

3 Fight infections

Oestrogen plays a vital role in the health of the lower genital tract, including the bladder, says Tania, and when it drops during the menopause this can cause problems. ‘Vaginal dryness can predispose you to bladder infections,’ explains Tania, and the lining of the urethra becomes more sensitive.

Oestrogen cream can help treat both vaginal dryness and recurrent infections, while cutting down on sugar and quitting smoking can also make a difference.

4 Book your smear test

NHS cervical screening continues for women up to the age of 64 and is one of the best ways to protect against cervical cancer. ‘Most cervical cancers are detected at an early stage and can be treated, so it’s vital to attend your cervical screening when you’re notified to do so,’ says gynaecologist D

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