09 cambs/beds gamlingay & everton

2 min read


■Distance: 9½ miles/15.3km ■Time: 4 hours ■Grade: Moderate

The lone barn of Gibraltar Farm, below the woody brow of the Bedfordshire Greensand Ridge, is a poignant place. For it was here, during World War II, that agents from the Special Operations Executive were briefed and equipped before boarding aircraft bound for Germanoccupied Europe. Clandestine flights took off from the adjacent airfield of RAF Tempsford, bolstering resistance movements in France, Poland, Norway, Czechia, and the Low Countries. This farmland walk, from the northern trailhead of the 40-mile Greensand Ridge Walk, trails some of the old perimeter track, which partly overlaps the course of a Roman road known as Hasell Hedge. (Note: Gibraltar Farm is on private land; access to the barn and memorials is permissive. Phone Woodbury estate office: 01767 650251.)

Tetworth House, dating from the 18th century, stands on the edge of the Greensand Ridge.

1 Start

Facing away from The Wheatsheaf, at end of Church Lane, head L along Church Street, past row of 17th-century almshouses.

At crossroads, turn R along Waresley Road, then shortly cross L and follow Cinques Road to the end.

2 1 mile/1.7km

At staggered crossroads, after Cinques Common car park, carefully cross, and follow road ahead for St Neots, waymarked Greensand Ridge Walk (GRW). In about 200m, turn L through wooden handgate, along grassy bridleway. Continue through gate and along metalled drive ahead. Follow GRW waymarkers straight on through further gates, past front of Tetworth Hall, until you come to signpost. Follow GRW R then soon L, through kissing gate and across field, into Woodbury Park. Follow drive straight on, past Story Farm, into Everton.



Start/parking Gamlingay; park considerately on street near St Mary’s Church, grid ref TL240523, postcode SG19 3JJ.

Small car park at Gamlingay Cinques, Point 2, TL227528 Is it for me?

Mostly level, on firm bridle tracks and field paths.

Muddy in parts. Sections on road Stiles None


Nearest towns Potton and Sandy Refreshments The Wheatsheaf (01767 651743), Cock Inn (01767 650255), and takeaways in Gamlingay;

Thornton Arms, Everton (01767 680326) Public toilets None Public transport Buses 189/190

Biggleswade/ Sandy railway stations to Gamlingay/Everton (Pt 3, (herberts

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