Summer specials

2 min read

We asked chefs and food writers appearing at this month’s Good Food Show (13-16 June) about the dishes that best define summer for them

Jane Dunn of Jane’s Patisserie

Photographs DAVID COTSWORTH, JONATHAN GREGSON | Recipe photo from Nadiya Simple Spices (Penguin Michael Joseph) CHRIS TERRY | Interviews compiled by ABIGAIL CORNTHWAITE

Eton mess cheesecake is my favourite summer dish as you can top it with fresh and seasonal strawberries from a local farm, and it’s light and perfect for a hot day. My top tips would be to use full-fat ingredients, and give it enough time to set. You can also cheat and buy the meringues if you don’t want to make them yourself. @janespatisserie

Paul Ainsworth

In Cornwall we’re surrounded by stunning beaches, clear water, and incredible seafood. A family beach treat is finding a sheltered, sandy cove and cooking fresh, line-caught mackerel over coals. BBQ mackerel fillets on toast, a favourite of mine, is in my upcoming debut cookbook For the Love of Food. Served with a tomato and spring onion salsa and pesto mayonnaise, the acidity of the salsa works beautifully with the oiliness of the fish, and I love the chargrill of the mackerel skin with the toast. Paired with a glass of chilled wine or beer, it is what summer is made for. @paulainsw6rth

Matt Tebbutt

I’m a big fan of a cobb salad – it can be knocked together pretty quickly, and you can vary the ingredients depending on what you’ve got sitting in the fridge. But as always with a simple dish, try and use the best quality ingredients you can lay your hands on. I first fell in love with it on family holidays with the kids in Florida. I liked the drama of the way it’s displayed and mixed together at the table. It’s substantial enough for a main course but I like to serve it on a big platter as a flamboyant starter – perfect at a barbecue, great for sharing. @matt.tebbutt

Chetna Makan

Every summer I look forward to mango, especially delicious Indian varieties like Alphonso and Kesar. These are aromatic, refreshing, and sweet. Growing up, summers at my grandparents’ consisted of my Nana (grandfather) picking the best mangoes for us to enjoy from the market. After soaking them in water during the day, we enjoyed them as dessert, eating them up almost instantly. Every year, once I get my hands on these mangoes, I make mang

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