Cheers to summer

2 min read

Wine expert and author Cindy-Marie Harvey reveals her top English wines for the sunny weather

As the British summer arrives, what better way to celebrate than by opening a bottle of English wine? And whether you’re enjoying a picnic, summer party, barbecue, family celebration, garden party or festival – there is a great English wine for every occasion.


Ideal for watching the open-air opera at Glyndebourne is the Glorianna Cuvée from High Clandon in the Surrey Hills (highclandon., a vintage sparkling that recalls the excellent summer of 2018. Or over in Hampshire, the Opera Festival at The Grange calls for popping open a bottle of their own superb fizz, The Grange Classic ( – and why not in magnum for a touch of style at your opera picnic?


There is something so seductive about sparkling rosé – ideal with everything from strawberries during Wimbledon through to venison sausages on the barbie. Look out for Vintage Rosé from Raimes (, from the South Downs, delicate but full of red fruits, or the Langham Sparkling Rosé from Dorset (, which has layers of complexity, and one glass easily leads to the next! Sparkling wine matches a host of foods – and none better than classic fish and chips at the seaside whilst on your hols – so do enjoy the stunning Blanc de Noirs from Harrow & Hope (, which has great structure and layers of flavour.


Ideal with summer puddings and strawberry pavlovas alike, the exquisitely balanced Ambriel English Reserve ( is a demi sec that truly works – and gathers fans whenever it’s poured, including always converting those who say they don’t like demi sec wines!


England also produces some tempting still wines – if you’re looking for food-friendly whites for your next family garden party, two quintessentially English wines are a must – Sussex Reserve from Nutbourne Vineyards ( and Danebury Vineyards’ Madele

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