Use logic 10.7.5’s new region gain tool

2 min read

Adjust the gain of individual regions with greater efficiency by utilising this new addition to Logic’s toolbox

The region Gain tool is useful for t weaking the level of individual vocals

In aver y welcome move, the recent 10.7.5 update of Logic Pro added ‘Gain’ to the toolbox. This newcomer ’s main job is to enable you to adjust the gain of individual audio regions direc tly from the main Tracks area, without having to navigate over to the region parameter box located above the channel inspec tor. This can be a great way to t weak the level of individual words within a vocal line without get ting too bogged down in minute volume automation adjustments. If adjusting the gain of individual regions is something you do a lot of, this new tool is a major timesaver, and is incredibly easy to use.

• App credit: Apple Inc

Gain of Zones

Knowledge base

No pain no gain

So what is gain all about? Isn’t it just volume? Well, gain applies to a channel’s input level, before any other processing is applied, while volume describes the overall output level at the fader after processing. Turning up a region’s gain will make it louder by increasing the amplitude of the audio waveform before it hits the plug-ins in your channel.


1 Open project

In a new Logic project, organise some audio regions into a basic arrangement. We’ve used some Apple Loops dragged in from the Loop Browser for our example.

2 Find the Gain tool

Click the left-hand toolbox button and select the ‘Gain Tool’ from the menu – it’s the lowermost item. Alternatively, just hit your computer’s ‘T’ key.

3 Thin yellow line

Hover the mouse pointer over the first region you w