Inside History Collection Magazine
6 March 2022

Lost secrets of Knights Templar Historians find the Middle Ages a period shrouded in mystery. On the one hand, sources speak of greedy kings and corrupt popes who flourished during a time of widespread hunger, disease and servitude. On the other, nobler thoughts began to flourish. Led by their blind faith in the Word of God, holy orders of knights attempted to protect the weak. The most powerful was the Knights Templar, loved by the people and whose code was the epitome of honour. However, the Knights slowly succumbed to dark forces – if contemporary rumours are to be believed. Then one fateful day the Knighthood’s most dangerous enemy decided to strike – with fatal consequences. In this issue, you can read about the story of the rise and fall of the Knights, their life on and off the battlefield, and the hunt for their legendary treasure.

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