Five golden rules of pre-workout nutrition

2 min read


5 golden rules of pre-workout nutrition

You know that protein is essential for muscle recovery, but what you eat prior to exercise is no less important. If you’ve ever felt groggy mid-workout, or ‘hit the wall’ on a long run, chances are you simply didn’t have enough fuel in the tank. Optimal performance requires sufficient energy, and while everyone’s energy requirements are different, most will benefit from the following steps.

DID YOU KNOW? A bowl of pre-workout porridge could reduce muscle soreness. That’s according to a study published in Antioxidants, which found the unique antioxidants present in oatmeal limit the oxidative stress caused by intense exercise.
Photography: Shutterstock


You might have heard that low-carb diets will send your fat loss into the fast lane, but here’s the truth: swearing off bread, rice and oats is simply not a practical option for anyone who works out regularly. Carbohydrates are your immediate source of fuel, and they’re entirely necessary to ensure that your body doesn’t cannibalise your lean muscle tissue as an energy source when you work out. As a good rule of thumb, aim to get about 50-55% of your daily calories from carbohydrate sources.


Carbs are not the devil’s work. You can eat pasta and still build a lean body – as long as you stick to the good stuff. The better quality the food you put in your body, the better your body will perform when it comes to working out. Look out for slow-releasing carbohydrates that will keep your blood sugar levels stable between meals and leave you feeling satiated – that is the key to optimum performance. Good options include sweet potatoes, wholemeal pasta and rice.


If you’re about to do an intense session, make sure your body is sufficiently fuelled. Eat an energy-giving snack at least 30-60 minutes before you exercise

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