Lost and found

6 min read

Daisy had a whole new purpose in life since she’d become a mum, but had something vital got left behind on the way?


Sunshine splashed through the bedroom window as Daisy held the blue dress against her and stared in the mirror. She frowned before throwing it on the bed behind her. Next, she picked up a white lacy top, but, after checking her reflection, shook her head.

“It’s no good.” She sighed. “None of this stuff suits me any more.”

She tossed the shirt onto the bed.

Normally every May, she loved sorting her summery gear and deciding if there were gaps in her wardrobe. There were always surprises – a skirt she’d forgotten or a pair of shorts that fitted when they’d been tight the year before. But that was before she’d had Caleb.

On cue, a splutter turned into a wail. Smiling, she went next door and picked up her darling baby from his cot.

“What’s all that for, Caleb?” She kissed his hair as she carried him downstairs.

Now she’d need to change him and give him a bottle. Sorting out her summer wardrobe would have to wait.

“Have we been burgled?” Niall grinned, walking into the kitchen as he towelled his damp hair.

“Why?” Daisy asked, folding bibs.

“The state of the bedroom.”

“Oh! That was me.”

“Well, I didn’t think it was Caleb.”

She laughed. “I was sorting out some lighter clothes. The weather’s heating up this weekend.”

“If that’s sorting, I’d hate to see you make a mess.” He smiled, his blue eyes mirroring Caleb’s. Daisy bit her lip and tears threatened. “Sorry, I was only joking,” he said. “I know . . . Nothing suits me any more. Not now I’m a mum.”

“Of course it does,” he said. “You look great in anything.”

How could she explain when she didn’t understand herself?

“Everything feels wrong.”

Niall crouched by Caleb in his rocker.

“Well, buy a few new things. We haven’t much spare cash, but we can stretch to a dress or some jeans.”

Daisy smiled.

She liked to pay her own way, but her maternity leave didn’t finish until next month when she’d return to work as a stylist at Pampered, the local salon.

“Thank you. I’ll look next time I’m in town,” she smiled.

Shopping and coffee – just what I need,” Daisy said to her best friend and colleague Tia as they stepped off the Park and Ride bus into the June sunshine.

She wished she’d made more effort with her appearance.

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