Your health news

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We round up you need to know about the latest health news


Add Five Years To Your Life

We know how important it is to have a healthy lifetsyle but in a new study, researchers have discovered that doing so could offset a genetic predisposition to a shorter life by 60% and add up to five years to a person’s life. The study, which followed hundreds of thousands of people over an average of 13 years, discovered that an “optimal” combination for a longer, healthy life included never smoking, regular physical activity, adequate sleep and a healthy diet.

Eat To Boost Brain Health

The food on your plate can not only impact your gut health, but your brain health, too, according to a new study published in Nature. Researchers found that a healthy diet was linked to better cognitive function and overall mental wellbeing. The study looked at over 180,000 participants with different diets and found that a nutritious diet with balanced portions of protein, carbohydrates, fibre, fruit and vegetables was the best way to support physical and mental wellbeing.

Losing Sleep?

Snooze strategies

More than half of UK adults say the cost-of-living crisis has negatively affected their sleep, with almost a quarter adding that the news cycle and current events also had a big impact on their ability to snooze. Research by BACP and YouGov hopes to shed light on Brits’ mental health and raise awareness of coping strategies that may help the public through difficult times, including techniques such as self-soothing, talking with others and volunteering in local communities.

Healing grains

A new study has found that ancient grains like oats, brown rice and millet could improve the health outcomes of those with type 2 diabetes when it comes to cardiovascular health. While the authors say that more research is needed, the analysis did find

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