Love finds a way

9 min read

A world apart and separated by decades, could a lost love ever be found?


An icy blast swept into the cosy little tea room, making Fiona shiver.

“I didn’t expect you to venture out in this snowstorm,” she told Audrey, who was stomping in the doorway, brushing snow from her coat.

“Come and sit by the fire, I’ll fetch some you a scone and some coffee.”

“No school today?” Audrey asked her granddaughter, who was curled up in a comfy chair beside the roaring log fire.

Lacie grinned.

“Closed due to the storm… I am studying, though,” she added, wafting a book in front of her.

“No duvet day for me.”

Audrey peered at the book title, “A Town Like Alice. One of my favourites,” she commented.

“Our teacher wanted us to study romantic classics. It’s really sad though.”

Lacie handed the book to Audrey.

Audrey winked at her.

“Spoiler. It has a happy ending.”

Taking a sip of her coffee, Audrey caressed the cover of the book.

“You OK, Gran?”

Handing the book back to her granddaughter, Audrey smiled sadly.

“Yes, darling, don’t worry. I’m fine. It’s just that your book reminded me of an Australian I once knew.”

“Really?” Fiona arched her eyebrow in surprise. “You’ve never mentioned this before.”

Audrey waved a dismissive hand at her daughter-in-law. “Oh, it was a very long time ago. I was only nineteen.”

Putting her book down, Lacie sat up straight and eyed her Gran.

“I saw that look on your face. He really meant something to you, I just know it! Tell me about your Australian mystery man.”

Audrey gave a resigned shrug.

“There’s not much to tell...” Stopping abruptly, she stared off into the distance.

“Perhaps it might do you good to talk about it,” Fiona gently encouraged.

Audrey smiled at Fiona, and a tingle ran up her spine as cherished memories drifted into her consciousness.

“We met at a dance,” she began. “He was in the Australian air force, they were here on some sort of training manoeuvres. He was tall, dark and handsome with the most gorgeous smile.

“He could light up a room. I can still see him... Deep blue eyes, his body tanned from surfing...”

Fiona and Lacie looked at one another and laughed.

“It might have been a long time ago, but you seem to remember every detail,” Lacie teased.

Audrey smiled, her eyes shining.

“I was totally and utterly in love. We’d meet whenever we co

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