Moving on

10 min read

Everyone around Fiona was starting afresh, but was she really ready to join them?



Fiona gazed in awe at the scene before her. The village green looked resplendent, blanketed in sea of yellow daffodils and purple crocuses. She adored this time of year. It was a hint of warmer days to come, Mother Nature yielding her promise of rebirth and new beginnings.

Richard would have loved this, she thought wistfully.

“It’s rather magnificent,” a middle-aged couple commented, startling Fiona from her reverie.

“Beautiful.” Fiona sighed, before turning to unlock the door to her cosy tea room.

Fiona noticed the couple had followed her and were settling in at a table by the window.

“Just give me a moment,” she called over her shoulder.

“No rush, we aren’t in any hurry. I’m Julie, by the way, and this is my husband, Frank.”

“Pleased to meet you,” Fiona said, then, returning to take their order, she asked, “Are you here on holiday?”

“No, we’ve just moved here from London.” Julie laughed. “We’re a bit of a cliché, I’m afraid. We moved up from the city for a quieter life.”

“Well, you’ve picked a wonderful village to settle in. Everyone is really friendly. Where are you living?”

“We’ve just bought Rose Cottage,” Julie replied. “It’s a darling place, the gardens are magnificent.

“You can tell it’s been loved. The owner has emigrated to Australia. Perhaps you know her.”

Fiona gasped.

“Yes, I know her,” she managed to reply. “The previous owner is my mother-in-law.”

Julie smiled sympathetically, “I’m guessing you miss her terribly.”

Fiona gave a slight nod of the head, “I do, but I’m glad she is happy. We speak every day, so it’s not so bad.”

“Will you be joining her?” Frank asked.

Fiona shook her head.

“What can I get you?” she asked, abruptly changing the subject.

Once they’d decided on their order, Fiona fled to the safety of the kitchen, glad of the distraction.

She missed Audrey terribly. She was genuinely happy for her, and fully supported her decision to stay in Queensland to be with Bruce. It had been nothing short of a miracle that Audrey and Bruce had found each other again, having spent decades apart through no fault of their own.

The time she and Lacie had spent on the Sunshine Coast had been magical. Bruce clearly adored Audrey, Fiona didn’t have any worries on that score. She’d grown ra

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