Dine-out desserts

2 min read

No meal is complete without a pudding – even a summer BBQ!


Melon And Feta Sticks

Ingredients (Makes 12)

◆ 5g fresh mint leaves, plus extra to garnish

◆ 1tbsp caster sugar

◆ 1tbsp white wine vinegar

◆ 450g prepared watermelon

◆ 200g block feta cheese

1 Put the mint leaves on a chopping board and sprinkle with sugar. Chop finely then scrape into a heatproof bowl.

Spoon over 4 tbsp boiling water and stir to dissolve the sugar. Leave to cool, then strain and stir in the vinegar.

2 Cut the melon into 24 pieces and place in a shallow dish. Pour over the mint syrup. Cover and chill for at least 1 hour before serving.

3 Cut the feta into 12 pieces and thread on to short skewers with the watermelon. Serve, sprinkled with fresh mint leaves.

Hot Pineapple Lollies

Ingredients (Makes 8)

◆ 50g caster sugar

◆ 4 limes

◆ 1 ripe medium-sized

◆ 150g canned
condensed milk

◆ 75ml single cream

◆ Lime zest, to decorate

1 Put the sugar in a small saucepan. Use a vegetable peeler to pare off the rind of 1 lime. Add the rind to the saucepan along with the juice. Pour over 125ml water.

2 Bring to the boil and simmer for 5min until slightly syrupy. Leave to cool, then strain.

3 Slice the ends off the pineapple. Keeping it whole, slice off the skin. Slice lengthways into 1.5cm thick slices and trim into 8 lolly shapes, removing the core.

4 Put in a shallow dish and pour over the lime syrup. Cover and chill until ready to cook.

5 Meanwhile, grate the rind from another lime and extract the juice. Place in a bowl with the condensed milk and cream. Whisk until smooth and thick. Cover and chill.

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