Bumpy ride

5 min read


Nikki Barnes, 28, from Sowerby Bridge, taught her son to stay where she could see him. One day he didn’t...


Glancing at the kids playing outside, it was a sunny day. On 3 September last year, it was the last day of the summer holidays. And my son Marli, five, was making the most of it while I cooked dinner.

‘Stay on the street where I can see you,’ I’d told him earlier.

That day we were at my Grandad John’s house with my parents Mandy, 45, and Steven, 49, and my two girls Milli-Mae, eight, and Rayne, one.

‘Tea’s almost done,’ I called out to Marli, checking the chicken Kievs.

‘Not yet Mummy, I’m playing with my friends,’ he begged, pedalling on his Sonic the Hedgehog bike. ‘Can I have five minutes?’

‘Yeah, go on then,’ I smiled at him. ‘Just stay where I can see you.’

In such a small, tight-knit town, I had no worries about Marli playing out.

And Marli never strayed further than the street.

Before plating up, I checked on Rayne in her bouncy chair and called Milli-Mae down.

Returning to the kitchen I saw two men walking up the garden path out the window.

And there was no sign of Marli.

Has Marli got in mischief? I thought.

‘What’s he done now?’ I said opening the door.

‘Your son’s passed out in someone’s garden,’ they replied, solemnly.

Around me everything froze, I went into shock.

I didn’t know what to do and just ran.

‘Mum!’ I screamed.

Seeing her appear at the doorway, I didn’t know what to say and carried on running.

She stayed with Grandad and the girls, but Dad followed me down the street.

In a daze I followed a growing crowd of people to where Marli was.

While just a few minutes away, Marli had gone down a side street to a steep hill which wasn’t visible from the house.

And definitely not in my line of sight.

Seeing him passed out at the bottom of the hill, with a pillow under his head and an elderly neighbour giving him CPR, I felt frozen in time and physically couldn’t speak.

Marli loved playing with friends
I always told Marli to stay close

In five minutes of letting him play out longer, he’d been in a terrible accident.

I had no idea what had happened to him.

‘Are you Marli’s mum?’ people asked. ‘How old is he?’

But I couldn’t answer and with so many people crowding round, I couldn’t even get near my son.

Someone had already called 999 and paramedics arrived a few minutes after I did.

And watching paramedics put an oxygen mask on Marli, I knew something was wrong.

Suddenly Dad was by my side giving me a big cuddle.

‘I’m going to go and get your Mum,’ he told me.


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