Doc q&a

2 min read

Disclaimer: Medical advice provided is for interest only and should never be substituted for seeing a doctor or seeking medical advice. If you have specific medical concerns please seek advice from a qualified medical professional.

Tight and tense

Q My hubby is constantly complaining that his calves and thighs feel really tight. It’s come on suddenly and not even exercise or stretching eases it. Why is this happening to him?


A There are a number of reasons why people may experience tight calves or thigh muscles.

Common causes of this include overuse, muscle strains and injury that can lead to discomfort in these muscle groups.

Whilst people commonly associate tightness with overuse, the opposite is true for some.

Underusing muscle groups can lead to tightness and a restricted amount of movement in these areas.

Stretching regularly or incorporating things such as yoga in your daily routine is a good way of improving this.

There are some other medical causes which can cause tightness in these muscle groups. So, it is important if these symptoms have come on suddenly that you seek medical attention.

That way, a healthcare professional can review a few other less common causes of these symptoms.

Sore setbacks

Q I’m a regular gym goer but I recently had a month off due to illness. When I returned, after a normal leg day, both my knees are so sore. My left knee even swelled up and I could barely walk a couple days later. Is this normal?

A It is not unusual to have muscle pain or soreness after intense exercise, which normally occurs 24 to 48 hours after and is often referred to as delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS).

This pain is worse for people who are either unfamiliar or unaccustomed to certain exercises, meaning those new to exercise or returning following a prolonged break will experience this worse than others.

Whilst pain in muscles may be expected, it would be unusual to experience pain in joints, or to notice swelling of your joints which may signify another underlying condition.

It is important to check that your technique for these exercises is correct to ensure you are not loading your joints in an abnormal way.

It may also be worthwhile arranging a review with a doctor to ensure there is no underlying condition that may be causing your knee to swell, too.

Medication concerns

Q I’ve been taking my anxiety medication, fluoxetine, for three years now. I think I’m ready to stop taking it, but I’m worried about how it will affect

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