Practical Fishkeeping Magazine
16 January 2025
Practical Fishkeeping February issue is on sale now! We take a look at some endangered habitats. New contributor Rodrigo Silva telling the story of how he found the critically endangered Trigonostigma somphongsi in rice field in Thailand. Whereas Tai’s focus is on South America looking at the ever reducing Cerrado habitat which is home to some beautiful and interesting killifish that may have already been wiped out. Michael Edmondstone of SHOAL takes us back to Asia with a look at the peat swamps of Bangka Island home to the endangered Betta burdigala. Should any of these habitats inspire you to create a biotope aquarium at home, we outline the different methods that you can use to prepare leaves and seed pods for use in the aquarium. A little closer to home, Alex takes a trip to visit Maidenhead Aquatics at Taunton, Robin outlines how you can easily breed peppermint shrimp right here in the UK (or anywhere else for that matter), Gabor Horvath reviews some new products from NT Labs and Matt Hayes (AKA Fish Shop Matt) answers some of the most common questions he was asked during his time working in fish shops. Here’s what’s in the issue: · African Beauties- Michel Keijman outlines the beautiful jae barb while Gabor Horvath looks at three species of tetra that may not look their best in shop tanks but can create a dazzling display once settled. · Common Questions answered - Fish Shop Matt answers some common questions asked by beginners to help you get started in the hobby! · Fishkeeping Answers- Our experts answer your questions, covering topics including: keeping pipefish and seahorses, fussy fighting fish not feeding and how to keep Distichodus spp
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