Practical Fishkeeping Magazine
20 March 2025
April's Issue of Practical Fishkeeping is absolutely packed full of amazing articles for you to enjoy. When you look at those majestic Siamese fighting fish in store do you ever wonder what they look like in the wild? Perhaps even going as far as thinking about what sort of habitat they would be found in. Well, this month Rodrigo visits the flooded fields of Thailand in search of Betta splendens. Tai has also been out finding popular aquarium fish in wild. This time visiting the Araguaia basin in Brazil. The little fires he finds will add colour to any nano tank. For those that like to add salt to the water, how about an overview of the fishes that thrive in transitional habitats? Mudskippers! Tim investigates these characterful fishes. Still not enough salt for you? How about some snake like fish with two sets of teeth? As Chris outlines how he became captivated by moray eels in this issue. Some other topics covered include: · Adding plants to a Malawi tank George Farmer details his experiences, and successes since starting to keep Chindongo saulosi with Anubias. · Fishkeeping overseas Courtney Bogle fills us in on what’s been going on in his life since he packed up and left the UK to head to Canada. · Keeping the jewels of Lake Turkana Gabor Horvath takes us through his experiences with keeping and breeding a fish that even his wife liked, the Lake Turkana jewel cichli
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